Arizona Swallowtail Butterfly


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Green Amendments ~ Rights of Nature ~ Youth Climate Litigation ~ Green New Deal Green Amendments For The Generations is a unique environmental movement, but some wonder if it is another form of the Rights of Nature movement, confuse it with the Congressionally discussed Green New Deal or ask how it compares to state and

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Green Amendment Headlines The Green Amendment Movement is catching the attention of the press! E&E News: Environmental Rights Push Could Boost Youth Climate Cases (National) National Journal: Anti-fracking Activists Eye State Constitutions (National) NM Political Report: Green Amendment Proposal Passes First Committee (New Mexico) Las Cruces Sun News: Right to Clean Air, Water and Land:

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The race to become the first state with a modern Green Amendment is on! “After 5 years of spreading the Green Amendment message and the power of constitutional environmental rights for advancing environmental protection, climate justice, generational justice and environmental justice, it is so exciting to have inspired 11 states with Green Amendment proposals and

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