Advancing a Green Amendment in Arizona
Ensuring an Enforceable Right to a Clean & Healthy Environment. Check out Arizona Printable Petition here.
Help Us Secure Green Amendment Protections in Arizona & Nationwide
Your donation today will help us do the work, provide the expertise, inspire supporters and take on the challengers so that every person and community in Arizona and nationwide can have a true RIGHT, that is enforceable, to a clean, safe & healthy environment.
An Emmy Nominated Show
Here’s The Story, an Emmy nominated show that premiered in 2011 and is produced by acclaimed journalist Steve Rogers, is now featuring a two part show featuring the Green Amendment movement. The show joins Maya as she explores the history of the Green Amendment movement and meets with environmental, political and legal leaders key to the movements past, present and future. Among those interviewed is NJ Governor Phil Murphy, PA Senator Franklin Kury who originally conceived of the idea for PA, and the chief justice who wrote the iconic opinion that helped launch the movement.
You can watch the show, see Facebook live chats with some of the key players, and see the full interviews that were conducted as part of the show here: Here’s the Story: The Green Amendment.
Understanding and Implementing a Green Amendment in Arizona

How Green Amendments Are Making a Difference Where They Exist

The Green Amendment Concept
- The Green Amendment, Securing Our Rights to a Healthy Environment—The Book
- What is a Green Amendment
- Green Amendment Checklist: Essential Elements of a Green Amendment
- Green Amendment Frequently Asked Questions & Their Answers
- Demanding and Defending Your Rights to Clean Air, Clean Water, & a Healthy Environment
- How Green Amendments Protect Key Environmental Rights — Expert Analysis by Founder M.K. van Rossum for Law360 (published in Law360)
- Constitutional Green Amendments: Making Environmental Justice a Reality, (published in American Bar Association Natural Resources & Environment Journal)
- Green Amendments Will Empower Environmental Protection(published in Bloomberg Law article)
- The Intersection of Green Amendments & Rights of Nature (published by FastCompany)
- Green Amendment as Compared to Rights of Nature, Green New Deal & Youth Climate Litigation — Different Concepts With Different Benefits
- How To Implement & Apply a Green Amendment
- Protections Offered with Trust Language in a Green Amendment
- Using Green Amendments to Strengthen Environmental Justice
- Benefits of a Constitutional Provision Protecting Environmental Rights
- Green Amendments, Properly Placed and Written, Are A Restraint On Governmental Authority – Article By Team of Attorneys that Successfully Argued PA Case
- The Green Amendment: An Idea Whose Time It Has Always Been, by Gerald J. Williams, Esq.
Webinars & Video Content
Resources for Teachers/Educators
- Green Amendment Teacher Guide (Print | Screen)
- Student Guide and more available
- Virtual Canoe Race – Online educational adventure game that teaches Geography, History, and Science in a trivia contest format
- Article: How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change — & Why You Have To
Se puede explorar nuestras materiales aqui
- Que es un Enmienda Verde?
- Exigiendo y defendiendo tu derecho a agua limpia, aire limpio, y un ambiente saludable
- Enmienda Verde lista de control
- Como implementar y aplicar una enmienda verde
- Protecciones ofrecidas incorporando el lenguaje de un fideicomiso en la Enmienda Verde de un Estado
- Haciendo que la justicia ambiental sea una obligación real del gobierno
- Beneficios de una provisión constitucional protegiendo los derechos ambientales